Systems Approach Benefits
- Healthier plant material
- Facilitates commerce
- Scalable to all sizes and types of plant production facilities
- Prevent the introduction and spread of nursery pests, pathogens and weeds
- Increased communication between facility staff
- Facilities with employees utilizing best management practices grow healthier and safer plant material
- Critical Control Points (CCPs) are monitored reducing risks to the facility
- Industry and States work together in collaboration to ship better plant material
- Recognition of a level of achievement as a SANC-Certified facility
Facility Responsibilities
- Conduct a facility pest Risk Assessment (RA)
- Select and use Best Management Practices (BMPs) to reduce pest risk
- Document practices and maintain records
- Develop a Facility SANC Manual including a pest management plan
- Train employees to ensure BMPs are used throughout each level of the facility system
- Conduct internal audits to document SANC Program procedures
SANC Resources Available to Industry
- FAQs for Industry provides industry-specific answers to SANC questions.
- Industry Training Tools provides tutorials on scouting programs, pest risk assessments and management of specific plant pests.
- ABOUT SANC provides more on the SANC history, program standards and benefits.
- CERTIFICATION describes each step toward SANC approval and provides relevant tools.
- SANC CONNECT and RESOURCES/LINKS provide more SANC tools for industry.