The AmericanHort Knowledge Center hosted a series of training webinars about SANC and the SANC certification process. Those webinars are available for review on the Knowledge Center website.
How Do I
- Approach pest risk assessment for my operation? (pdf)
- Set up a scouting program in my greenhouse? (pdf)
- Set up a scouting program in my nursery? (pdf)
Complete a Risk Assessment
The Risk Assessment Online Tool is hosted on the Horticultural Research Institute website and can be accessed here:
Boxwood Blight Management strategies (YouTube video link)
Additional Resources for Nursery Practices
A Systems Approach for Management of Pests and Pathogens of Nursery Crops
Jennifer L. Parke and Niklaus J. Grünwald co-author this comprehensive 2012 article in the APS Journal, “Plant Disease” Vol. 96 No. 9
An Overview of Systems-based Pest Management for Nursery Production (pdf)
This 2014 University of Tennessee Extension publication describes what systems-based pest management is and how growers can start taking steps toward adopting a systems-based approach to pest management in their nurseries.
Best Management Practices Online Tool
Best Management Practices for Multiple Pests in California Nursery/Floriculture Operations, created by the University of California Nursery and Floriculture Alliance
Southern Nursery Association, Best Management Practices: Guide for Producing Nursery Crops
Nursery Industry Best Management Practices for Phytophthora ramorum (pdf)
To prevent the introduction or establishment in California nursery operations – Version 1.0
United States Nursery Certification Program Pilot (pdf)
Requirements for the Certification of Nurseries Under the United States Nursery Certification Program
Canadian P. ramorum Nursery Certification Program (pdf)
U. S. – Canadian Greenhouse Certification Program
RSPM 28 (pdf)
Integrated Pest Risk Management Measures for the Importation of Plants for Planting into NAPPO Member Countries
ISPM 5 (pdf)
Glossary of Phytosanitary Terms